
Wednesday 23 March 2011

First Country Gardens Event of 2011

On Thursday the 17th of March we held our first Country Garden Event of the 2011 seaon. This was a talk by the very well known and respected sundial designer and maker David Harber. And followed by a brief introduction to Alitex greenhouses.

David Harber Sundials

I had no idea that Sundials were so beautiful and complex. Not only is the concept of a sundial one of the oldest forms of time measurement in mankind, but the design is hugely involved: each sundial is individually made to be accurate depending on the site it is going in. Depending on the longitude, the sun shines at a different angle and hence the angles of the rings need to be correct to show the shadow - the most accurate sundial is accurate to 15 seconds!!David Harber has spent years perfecting the maths and has not compromised on the beauty and aesthetics of his product. A Sundial is a thing of beauty that is timeless.

Alitex Greenhouses

When you want to see a greenhouse that looks like the old Victorain Glasshouses yet has all the features of a modern greenhouse then Alitex is the make to look at. Hence their accreditaion with the National Trust. Their greenhouses are made of Aluminium - 90% of which is recycled - and are beautifully and sympathetically built.
The next event is on 21st April and has James Alexander-Sinclair speaking.

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